Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My run in with the law

Part Dos

Almost 6 weeks ago, about 10pm, rainy night by the way I had my second run in with the law. I went through a yellow light in front of a cop car. They rang their sirens and came towards me fast. I didnt think they were calling for me cause I hadnt broken any laws as far as I was concerned. I turned onto 144th street in harlem to drop off my passenger. They ordered me through the bull horn to pull over which I did, in the middle of the one way street (in other words the road was narrow pulling over was like remaining in the middle of the street).

Two rookie officers came to my left and my right hand side (what's new and whats with officers and the flashing with the torch in one's eyes).

officer rookie: Do you realize you went through the red light?
cabbie: No I didnt, it was amber
officer: it wasnt amber, it was a steady red. And what is amber?
cabbie: I believe it is orange like.
officer: that's not orange, that's a yellow and no it was not yellow, was red.
Hand me your trip sheet.
cabbie: trip sheet, that's for a yellow cab not a black car.
(another clue that this was a rookie for sure)

After I was slapped with a ticket, he handed my documents over and went back into their van. He orders me to move through his horn as I was putting away the documents. I proceeded slowly at 2 miles an hour down the block cause I was so angry. He wailed and I said back to him I was afraid to be slapped with a speeding ticket. I felt better driving that slow and as I went through the light, he zoomed passed me and I chuckled to myself. How else could I get over that ticket. Anyway, I have to schedule a court date to prove my innocence. I believe in going down with a fight.

For those that are wondering, flirting with rookies does not work, only with the veterans. Officer rookie and friend were trying to meet their quota for the day or just trying to exercise their authority. Whatever the reason, it's on, on my court date. Like I've always said, I am not going down without a fight officer rookie! muhahaha muhahaha!

Innocent till proven guilty......



At June 8, 2007 at 4:22 PM , Blogger Prettylyf said...

Sounds like you honestly didn't deserve that ticket. Go to court, follow up and let us know how it goes..

Good luck!

At June 25, 2007 at 8:04 AM , Blogger Prettylyf said...

Cabbbie dearest hope you're keeping well despite the silence :)

At June 28, 2007 at 7:57 AM , Blogger dearcabbie said...

hey there, I m well and as you know when the warm weather arrives, its hard to sit at the computer. I need discipline. how have you been, hope well.


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